20 ways to lift your spirits and keep going

Looking after kids is tough work and if you have a bad day or even a bad week, this can quickly become a habit which takes it’s toll – on you and all those around you. So below we have a compilation of  20 things you should do regularly, to keep those spirits up and stop everything dragging you down.

Boost your energy and enthusiasm to soldier-on by:

1. Being grateful – Say out loud something you are really grateful for at this moment in time. (You know there’s at least one.)

2. Try some Music Therapy – Dance! With the kids or by yourself – put on some upbeat happy music and dance those blues away, either in public or private, the choice is yours. Here’s a few feel good vibes to get you started.

    1. Detox from the inside – Eat more raw unprocessed foods – salads, fruit & vegetables – real, pesticide free, raw foods carry higher vibrations than other foods, so will naturally lift your energy levels.
    2. Reduce any muscle tension by taking an Epsom Salt bath – why go to a spa when you can indulge yourself whenever you need? Add around 2 cupfuls to your bath and feel the tensions wash away.

  1. Take your shoes off and walk through a patch of grass or earth. Get in touch with nature to rejuvenate your spirit.
  2. Say No, if things get too much – don’t take so much on.
  3. Detox on technology – conscientiously decide not to use phones, computers or other gadgets for at least a couple of hours. It’s not necessary to be ‘on call’ all day every day.
  4. Do something creative – make something unique – show the kids how it’s done!
  5. Meditate – whether it’s 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour or more – really recharge those batteries by having some real down time.
  6. Breathe slowly, deeply and consciously
  7. Read an empowering book –

or listen to an empowering speaker

  1. Pay someone a compliment
  2. Share something funny
  3. Get a hug
  4. Look for something beautiful
  5. Declutter your living or work space
  6. Have fun with some friends
  7. Drink lots of water – stay hydrated – reduce tea, coffee, alcohol
  8. Banish negative thoughts – rephrase them to positive ones – instead of, ‘This is hard.’ try, ‘This will take some time, but I’ll get there.’
  9. Do some yoga or other exercise

Please Note: If these 20 steps do not lift your spirits and make you feel down, then medical advice should be sought, as you could be suffering from depression.

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