5 Ways Babies Show You They Love You

5 Ways Babies Show You They Love You

They can’t speak, they can’t buy you presents, but there are still tell-tale signs from very early on that your little one thinks you’re a star.

1. Can’t take their eyes off you
Eye contact is important in all relationships but for babies it is essential. Firstly they start off staring at your face as you feed them and taking in every detail. Then they watch you intently from a distance, taking in every movement and mannerism, followed by delighted squealing or cooing, kicking of the arms and legs as you approach them. Finally acting like the mortally wounded or heartbroken when you are not around.

2. Wind or a smile
While newborns cannot smile initially not voluntarily anyway, when they see you. It’s only after a few weeks that broad grins break across their faces followed by fits of giggles witnessed by their favourite people in their life.

3. He plays copy cat
Copying is how babies learn, but they do not copy anyone. Babies only copy the people they spend the most time with and have a strong bond with. So if you notice your baby watching you carefully and then copying what you do, then you are very special indeed. Because only the best is worth copying.

4. They love to chat
Communication is another essential part of a relationship and as well as staring into the eyes of the faces they love, babies very quickly start cooing and trying to communicate with the ones they love. Talking to your baby regularly will help to develop their language skills sooner making it easier for you to understand what they want and need too. So talk to them as much as you can.

5. Because only you will do
When we all feel a little unsure or insecure at times what we want is a loved one we trust the most to be around us, providing us safety and reassurance. Your baby is no different. Your baby will want to see you and hear your voice as you are the best comforter there is. This shows not only his love, but also the fact that you make him feel safe and secure. We notice this even more so when babies are ill or unwell, turning only to the ones they love most for pain relief and comfort when needing affection.

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