If your fish die on a regular basis, then keeping fish can become very costly and even demoralising. Most fish deaths and illnesses occur because of poor water quality. If the water is not clean enough, or it is ‘too clean- not enough good bacteria,’ this is also unhealthy for fish. Also some fish thrive at higher pHs while others survive at lower pHs. Most fish however, die in high concentrations of ammonia, nitrate or nitrite. For this reason, water quality should be tested regularly – at least every week, to ensure it is within the healthy parameters fish need to survive. To test the water you need a water testing kit.

If any dangerous results show up then water changes will be necessary, until the water conditions reach the desired levels and stabilise.

It is also important to check the conditions of your water and those of the pet shops, when you bring fish home to ensure your fish do not have a chemical shock going from one set of conditions to another. Which can cause fatalities too.

Test the waters first, before introducing new fish and help them to slow acclimatise to their new surroundings slowly.
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