It is important to feed tropical fish, quality fish food. As you only need to feed them a little food every other day – (in other words a small pot will last a long time), you should try not to scrimp and only go for the cheaper brands. Tropical fish in particular can be very fussy about the food they eat, so it’s not cost effective to fill your tank with food your fish will not eat, as this will only pollute the water. Quality foods on the other hand get eaten quickly, contain the nutrients fish need to stay healthy and don’t pollute your tank. Also feed your fish a variety of foods, like bloodworms etc, to vary their diet. As they can get bored of eating the same food or this can lead to digestive problems such as constipation – signified by long, stingy, red poop.

Click images for more info.

Tropical Fish Food

Dried Bloodworms

Dried Tubifex worms

Tropical Fish Flakes

Algae Wafers

Sinking Catfish Food