The Taurus Caregiver – (April 20-May 20)

The Taurus caregiver is a traditional, societal animal who needs to keep up with the Joneses. They have a tendency to spoil children and give them what they want when they are younger, but then pull in the reigns as children get older, causing a backlash.

However, despite their practical, sensible side of looking for bargains, which serve their business well, they also like the finer things in life and tend to spoil children and themselves on luxuries which can give children mixed signals.

Their traditional and stubborn views can also result in a generational gap, which is felt more acutely when children grow older, but no-one can deny that they are a dependable rock in any child’s life, making children feel happy and protected.

They have no problems setting rules and routines for children, as it makes children feel secure. They also ensure, they are always available for their children, should children need them.

As they enjoy keeping fit, as well as good food, their children will be well fed, active and healthy.

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