The Aries Child (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Aries children were born to rule!

Independent and fiesty, they may start off quiet and reserved (or not),  but after they have sussed out their surroundings, become comfortable with what’s what – bang! These kids are packed full of rocket fuel.

Their confidence and thirst for adventure will land them in trouble and no amount of censoring will curb their drive. They were born to test, experiment and find out – even if it’s the hard way.

Incredibly determined, they are also easily frustrated. Temperamental twos are taken to another level as well as their teens.

They don’t like rules or being told what to do. On the contrary they make the rules, which they expect others to follow.

However, being diplomatic they can be reasoned with and if treated with intelligence,  can be persuaded to do as they are told.

It will take a strong person to deal with their antics.

They will  neither be good followers nor become devotees, as it’s the limelight and centre stage, they crave for themselves. So arm yourself with a good dressing up box, and fill it with costumes so that they can be the star of the show.

On the plus side, despite their fiery nature, they love to learn!

They have active minds and will love puzzles and quizzes to stretch themselves. And over time their life lessons will transform them into  wonderful, funny, fun people, who are truthful and have integrity.

Any form of positive attention will be very well recieved. Be it applause, compliments, gold stars and stickers or even simple treats out – they just love to be recognised for their brilliance.

So teach them well, recognise their accomplishments and praise them often, for an easier ride.

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