Why become a childminder?

Working with young children can be a highly physical, demanding and even exhausting undertaking for some, but for those who are fit, healthy and enjoy the company of children, it can be a very rewarding vocation in life too.

While some dream of opening their own day-nursery, working in a team of trained carers and looking after large groups of children; others find this large-scale setup quite daunting and prefer to work from home; with far less children, smaller setup costs and commitments.

Childminding, therefore provides an avenue to work with young children which is more flexible than running a nursery; not as heavily regulated and for some, a short term option.

It is also attractive, because of its low set up costs. The most expensive part being the registration and initial training.

However to be successful, you have to love working with children, have experience of looking after children of your own, being a babysitter or working in a childcare setting, such as a nursery previously. This will help you to be very patient and upbeat, even when children misbehave.

Here are a few reasons why some adults become childminders:

After having a baby

While some mothers decide to go back to work after having a baby, others decide that they want to stay at home after starting a family and watch their child grow. However, losing an income to do so, can place a great deal of financial burden on some young families, especially when a new addition arrives. Therefore, becoming a childminder is the answer for some. They can earn an income while spending time with their own child at home, as they are paid to look after other people’s children. In this way, they are able to be more sociable, meeting other parents who drop their children off, and in addition, their own child gets to grow up with children around them too – so a socially rewarding experience all round.

Their nests are now empty

While some adults dream of cruising around the world when their own children have grown and left the roost, others decide to fill their lives with children again. With the additional room to spare and time on their hands, they decide to open their doors to more little ones and give other children a great start to life too.

Big Kids

Some adults are naturally good with children and love their company. They are big kids at heart, with a caring, nurturing nature who find supporting the development of young children more fun than work. For these individuals, working with children from the comfort of their own home is the dream job and they even get paid for it – what could be better?

Being in Charge

For some who like to be in charge and do things their way, owning their own business is the way to go. While running a multinational company may not be possible or even everyone’s cup of tea, running a childcare business from home, allows many to put their natural organizational and managerial skills into action. Caring for young children also gives individuals a great deal of responsibility. It is also the type of business that allows people to develop their knowledge and share their experiences for the benefit of the children.

Parents who leave their children with childminders are often inexperienced about child development and child development practices, making childminders an authority in their field, allowing them to share their expertise to benefit others.


While looking after children can be an isolating experience for some, childminders often take the children in their care to playgroups, play centres and toddler groups, where they meet other childcare professionals. Some childminders also work as part of a group to care for a greater number of children, so this can be a very sociable job, even though they work from home.


It’s true to say, when working with children no two days are ever the same and this applies equally well to childminding. For those who dread the monotonous 9-5 job and doing the same dull routines, day in and day out, childminding provides a refreshing alternative. Full of creativity, diversity with a good helping of unpredictability, this vocation provides endless amounts of stimulation. But be warned you will need every ounce of energy and your wits about you, to keep that smile on your face all day as you put on daily performances as nurse, nanny, cook, taxi and clown all rolled into one. A feat to be admired by any acrobat.

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