What is Safeguarding?

Working with children brings with it many responsibilities and one of these responsibilities involves keeping children safe in your care.

While child protection refers specifically to protecting children and young people from neglect and abuse, safeguarding is more generalistic, and refers to children’s welfare, keeping them safe and reducing the risk of harm or accidents.

This being the case, it applies to everyone working and caring for children and making it everyone’s responsibility. It also means any concerns or allegations are dealt with quickly and appropriately.

To ensure this, policies and procedures need to be in place and an induction provided to all new staff, so that everyone is aware of how children are to be treated, and all staff are aware of how to behave and conduct themselves around children too.

There also needs to a lead safeguarding practitioner at the setting and also safeguarding deputies depending on the size of your premises. They will be responsible for setting the standards and keeping all other staff informed and up to date with regards to changes. They will also be responsible for dealing with any safeguarding issues or complaints and taking the necessary actions where required.

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