Houses and Homes Theme

Children spend so much time around their home they often take things for granted without really understanding why we have some of te things we do. Such as a washing machine (if we have one), or a bookshelf, a fridge, freezer, bed and so on. There are obvious reasons for having these but what would be an alternative?

This theme allows children to explore and think about their house and home to get a better understanding of their environment and why we have some of the things we do. Also what would we do if we didn’t have these things, like a kettle or a toaster.

This month we are also going to look at the number 4, the letter ‘h’ for house and ‘g’ for garden, ‘d’ for door and ‘w’ for window.

We can also investigate the shapes ‘square’ and ‘rectangle’ and the colour ‘brown’.

Don’t forget all resources relating to the theme can be found ….

Have a great month, and don’t forget to check out the new articles too.

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