Best boiled potatoes

Serves 4  Cooking prep time : 20 minutes


1 lb new potatoes or red Desiree (waxy) potatoes, Jersey Royals, Maris Peer

1 tsp salt

2 tbp butter

Salt & ground black pepper to taste

250 ml water or chicken/vegetable stock

1 tbp of chives or freshly chopped chives



  1. Wash the new potatoes and place them whole in a pan. Alternatively, peel (if you prefer) and cut the red potatoes into quarters.
  2. Add the stock and cover to an inch above the potatoes.
  3. Add salt to season.
  4. Boil the water then reduce to simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Check to see if potatoes are ready by putting a fork through the middle to see if inside is soft.
  6. Drain the water.
  7. Halve the new potatoes if they are large and toss them with butter and black pepper and chives.
  8. Serve hot.







Top Tip:

Do not use mashing potatoes, as they will fall apart.

Alternatively, use a bay leaf, 1 tsp peppercorns, 1 clove of garlic cut in half, and 1 tsp salt in 250ml of water, if you do not have any stock.

Why not add them to curries and stews too.

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