Super Spanish omelette

Serves 4  Cooking and prep time: 1 hour


500g new potatoes

1 small white onion

150 ml extra virgin oil

2 tbp chopped parsley

6 eggs

Salt and pepper to taste



  1. Scrape or peel the potatoes – or leave skins on if you prefer.
  2. Cut them into 5cm slices and set aside in cold water.
  3. Chop up the onion into small pieces.
  4. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and add the potatoes and onions.
  5. Sprinkle in some salt
  6. Cook gently on a low heat.
  7. Cover the pan partly with a lid for around 30 minutes.
  8. Using a spatula, move the potatoes around and turn them over so that they do not stick and burn on one side.
  9. Chop up some parsley.
  10. When potatoes are soft, pour any remaining oil out into a bowl and put aside.
  11. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, with a pinch of salt
  12. Stir the beaten eggs into the potatoes and add the chopped parsley.
  13. Season with pepper and a little more salt.
  14. Pour some of the previous strained oil back into the pan and cook on a moderate heat.
  15. Use a spatula to shape the omelette around the edges and loosen it from the base of the pan.
  16. When almost cooked, slide the partly cooked omelette onto a plate – wet-side up.
  17. Pour some of the oil back into the pan and spread it around to grease the bottom again.
  18. Then, invert the pan over the top of the omelette, then flip the plate and pan upside down, so that the omelette is returned to the pan upside down.
  19. Add any remaining oil and cook the other side of the omelette for a couple more minutes.
  20. Slide the omelette off on to a plate again and then flip it over as before and cook the other side again.
  21. Repeat a couple of times, as necessary.
  22. Then slide onto a plate, let it cool and cut into wedges before serving.

Top Tips:

Get under the omelette and loosen as much as possible to ensure it slides of the pan easily.

Why not add sliced peppers or chopped spring onions with the potatoes at the beginning to add variety and colour.

Or even sliced cherry tomatoes, before the whisked egg is added.

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