About Physical Development

Physical Development

Physical development comes in two parts:

Gross Motor and Fine Motor Development

Gross motor skills are whole body movements, such as moving arms, legs, neck, back, head, hands etc. The movement of the large body muscles allow children to sit, crawl, stand and walk. As they get stronger and become more coordinated, they are able to climb, ride a bike, and dress themselves. Gross motor skills are important to develop as they help children become more mobile and develop balance, co-ordination and physical independence.

Fine motor skills are movements and manipulation of the hands. Children need to develop hand muscles to feed themselves, pick things up, use pencils, do up buttons and so on. They are essential and need to be developed in order to perform everyday skills like feeding and getting dressed.

 Here are some ideas below to support their development:

For Gross Motor Skills:

Give children plenty of room to move about and use their whole bodies. Provide opportunities outdoors and go to:

  • The park and use play equipment
  • Go on walks
  • Play centres
  • Ride a bike
  • Build in the garden etc.

Opportunities indoors could include:

  • Making an obstacle course inside your home if you have the space
  • Building a den from cushions and pillows and blankets
  • Dance
  • Doing gymnastics
  • or taking children to activity clubs like football, cheerleading etc.

For Fine Motor Skills:

  • Cook with child
  • Play with playdough
  • Water play
  • Colouring
  • Dressing dolls and self

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