Before you embark on this journey, you should find out what’s involved in becoming a childminder, so that you are well informed. The following information will give you a greater insight into what’s involved.


Room Décor

Room decor is extremely important because you need a child-friendly and welcoming environment for children to feel excited, yet calm and relaxed in when the situation arises. Below is a…

Essential Equipment

You will need to give a great deal of thought to the equipment and supplies you buy for your new business. This will greatly depend on three factors:

What is a childminder?

A childminder is a person who cares for and provides learning opportunities for young children in their own home. They look after children from a few months old to 14…

Why become a childminder?

Working with young children can be a highly physical, demanding and even exhausting undertaking for some, but for those who are fit, healthy and enjoy the company of children, it…

What do childminders do all day

While it is fair to say no two days will ever be the same, a typical childminder’s day could look like the following: This is not a rigid timetable, but…

How much do childminders make?

Although the answer to ‘How much do childminders make?’ is highly subjective and very much dependent on: how many children an individual is allowed to look after; as well as…

Things to consider when starting out

Contrary to what the name suggests, professionally registered childminding, should not be mistaken for casual babysitting. It is in its own right, a small business. Therefore, like other businesses, it…

Childcare qualifications and training

Registered childminders are professionals – this means they do not simply babysit someone else’s child for a fee. In order to legally look after other people’s children, childminders need to…

The Ofsted interview and home inspection

All inspections will differ depending on the inspector who calls, but here are a few pointers to consider. Although this is by no means a comprehensive list, here are some…

What to charge as a childminder

Before you decide what to charge as a childminder, you first need to do your market research and find out what parents in your area are prepared to pay. Check…