To foster a love of reading try these best books for kids

With so many books to choose from, it can be daunting to know which to choose and why to choose them, especially if you want to introduce children to books early.

Children as young as a couple of months old can be introduced to books, but you have to choose the right books to reap the benefits.

Below is a collection of books you can either buy or get from the library to support children’s literacy, knowledge and reading skills. And even more importantly, foster a love of books and reading from a tender age.

Click on the selection below for more information:

Best Books for Baby

The best books for baby are those which they can manipulate in their hands roughly without damaging the pages, contain pictures for them to look at and keep thier interest…

Best Books for Toddlers

Toddlers like babies need books that are durable and can withstand their enthusiasm. Pages need to be thick ass in board books so that they are easy to grip and…

Best Story Books for Children

Reading stories to children is a great way to encourage them to read. If you read great stories to them that grab their attention they will want to learn to…

Best Books to Teach Reading

In order to help children learn how to read, books need to have clues and cues to support their reading development. Rhyming books, books with repetition are examples of these…