
EYFS Assessments

In the EYFS there are two main types of assessment – on-going assessments which occur daily, to determine what children can already do, and what they need to do next and how this can be […]


What are ELGs?

ELGs stands for Early Learning Goals. These are the statements found under each area of development at the end of the Early Learning Outcomes for 40-60+ months. These statements indicate the type of things children […]


Understanding OFSTED

OFSTED – is the abbreviation for the governmental body – Office of Standards in Education All providers of childcare and education must be registered with Ofsted. Amongst other duties Ofsted inspect and regulate education and […]


What are EYFS Next Steps?

In order for children to make significant progress in their development and learning, practitioners need to identify and plan their children’s next steps. Many next steps occur automatically with little support as the child gets […]


What are the Early Years Outcomes (EYOs)

The Early Years Outcomes formerly called Development Matters (DMs) are the Prime and Specific Development statements documented in the Early Years Framework. The Prime Areas being: Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Communication and language […]


The purpose of assessing children’s development

The purpose of assessing development is to collect the information necessary to make decisions about a child’s developmental and educational needs. Assessment must always serve in ways that enhance opportunities for optimal growth, development, and […]