Child Development

Why Nursery Rhymes Are Important

Nursery rhymes or rhymes learnt by nursery aged children are a great way of teaching children language, reading, rhythm, phonics and rhyming skills. Research has shown that children who are familiar with nursery rhymes develop […]

Child Development

Understanding Child Development

All children go through changes as they grow from birth to adolescence, becoming more independent and less dependent as they grow. These changes are influenced by genetic factors as well as prenatal events, environmental factors […]

Child Development

About Physical Development

Physical Development Physical development comes in two parts: Gross Motor and Fine Motor Development Gross motor skills are whole body movements, such as moving arms, legs, neck, back, head, hands etc. The movement of the […]

Child Development

Knowledge Development

In order to develop knowledge children have to see things that catch their interest. This will make them question and think about what they see and with support develop their understanding. Their inquisitivity and enquiring […]

Child Development

Social Skills Development

Although affectionate and loving, toddlers are also unrealistic and become easily frustrated, resulting in tantrums. They cannot empathise yet with others, as they cannot put themselves in someone else’s shoes. So if they hit someone, […]

Child Development

Developing Literacy – Reading & Writing

Literacy is the ability to read and write and use written information. In order to write it helps understand reading and know words and pictures represent things in life. For this reason literacy combines both […]

Child Development

Language Development (over 3 years old)

Over the age of two, toddlers are able to express themselves using a few words quite clearly, to express their wants and needs and to interact with others. They need a lot of interaction to […]