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Child – western astrology

The Pisces Child (Feb 19-March 20)

Fragile and sensitive  these kids are empathetic, compassionate and have natural psychic abilities. As the spritual world has no suffering, you will find that the Piscean children will prefer to spend most of their dreamy […]

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Child – western astrology

The Aquarius Child (Jan 20-Feb 18)

The Aquarian is a contradiction, these are Water signs disguising themselves as Air signs. And what happens when you mix water with air? You get a storm! These children possess all the emotional sensitivity and […]

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Child – western astrology

The Capricorn Child (Dec 22-Jan 19)

These kids come into this world with much older minds than bodies. These old souls are also grounded and in tune with nature. They are the immovable, unflappable foundation of the family unit. These perfectionists […]

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Child – western astrology

The Sagittarius Child (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Being adventurers of the Universe, these Saggies want to explore. These social characters crave attention and will be crushed if their talents go unnoticed or are not applauded. Their delicate hearts mean they struggle to […]

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Child – western astrology

The Scorpio Child (Oct 23-Nov 21)

These kids are seriuosly complicated. One minute they’re sulky and moody and the next their wrapping you around their little fingers with their beaming smiles. Being the psychics of the zodiac, they know how to […]

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Child – western astrology

The Libra Child (Sep 23-Oct 22)

These kids are cute and cuddly and everyone will be attracted to them. Caring for a Libran child will not be overly complicated. These children are balanced on the whole and tidy to an extent […]

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Child – western astrology

The Virgo Child (Aug 23-Sep 23)

Virgoan children were born to serve humanity they love to help and want to feel needed. They are perfectionists and need to get things done right, forever running backwards and forwards they often forgetting their […]

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Child – western astrology

The Leo Child (July 23-Aug 22)

The Leo child will want to be the head of his or her pride and expect others to naturally submit. They are very affectionate and care greatly for those who are close to them and […]

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Child – western astrology

The Cancer Child (June 21-July 22)

Cancerian kids are the dreamers of dreams who live in a beautiful world created by their rich imagination. The most sensitive sign of the zodiac they appear distant from this world as they spend most […]

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Child – western astrology

The Gemini Child (May 21–Jun 20)

These children are fascinating. Their mission is to boldly go where no Gemini has gone before. Drawn to science experiments and technology, they will quickly develop technical abilities. Full of wit and possessing a strong […]