How to setup a childminding business

Carrying out initial market research

Market research is carried out to determine if there is a market for your service. This is essential for the sustainability of your childminding business. You will need to know the following from your market […]

Articles for childcare providers

Catering for what parents want

In order to be successful you need to make sure that your provisions are presented in the most appealing light. Parents these days want to know about the things their children will learn and the […]

How to setup a childminding business

Planning for your Tax Return

In order to ensure you are able to pay your taxes on time, you should put the money aside as soon as it arrives. To do this, calculate the % of tax and Class 4 […]

How to setup a childminding business

Choosing an accountant

It is very important that you choose your advisor wisely. Anyone can call themselves an accountant/tax adviser whether or not they are professionally qualified. If you have not used an adviser before, you should be […]

How to setup a Day Nursery Business

What is a Day Nursery?

When we normally speak about pre-schools and nurseries, we often mean government funded establishments. Day nurseries in comparison are privately owned and usually provide longer hours of care, to cater for working parents. All childcare […]