month by month

Months 13-24

From one to two years old, infants begin to point to objects that they are familiar with. They explore inquisitively and start to ask questions. They can be taught the names of the different areas […]

month by month

Month 12

Babies now become toddlers and share a special bond with their parents. Parents also know what their infants like and dislike. Parents are more able to communicate with their babies, and baby can also: • […]

month by month

Month 11

By 11 months old babies have favorite games to play and will start to create a fuss if not allowed to play them. They enjoy running the house and making their opinions own. They will […]

month by month

Month 10

By 10 months old, babies grow up fast. Parents can talk to their babies and expect to be understood or get an appropriate response. Simple phrases should be used to stop babies or correct their […]

month by month

Month 9

By nine months old most babies start to understand that they are individuals. They enjoy looking in the mirror. Have their own routine. They will now attempt to talk and even walk. Babies can now […]

month by month

Month 8

By eight months old, babies are more mobile and also start to get much bigger. Parents therefore need to be more safety conscious as some infants are able to crawl and even walk quite well. […]

month by month

Month 7

By 7 months old, babies really show their personality. Playtime is looked forward to by both of you. Babies are able to eat finger foods, but choosing the foods to feed your baby should be […]

month by month

Month 6

By six months old babies are ready to eat solid food. They may try to self feed when allowed to. Babies’ personalities are now stronger than ever and they appear to master things more rapidly […]

month by month

Month 5

By 5 months old, babies start to develop rapidly in front of their parents eyes. They mature and amaze parents daily. Most parents are able to sleep through the night now, and those that don’t […]

month by month

Month 4

By the time they reach 4 months old, parents have started to learn their babies’ personalities. They can tell when their babies are going to want something before they start to make a fuss. They […]