month by month

Month 3

During the third month of life, infants start to show a little more character and personality. They are able to take part in more social activities than a couple months ago. Now they will start […]

month by month

Month 2

During the second month parents start to work out a routine of when baby needs feeding, changing etc. This can vary but adds a bit more structure to the day. Babies will still wake up […]

month by month

Month 1

During the first month of life, infants spend a long time sleeping. This gives parents particularly mother’s time to recover from the labour. Their abilities are very limited now so there are few activities that […]

month by month

At Birth

When babies are born they already come with well developed hearing, but their eyesight is limited to only 8-12 inches away from your face but this improve as they develop. They also have limited physical […]