
Perfect Pastas

Traditionally an Italian food, pasta is a noodle made from flour and water or eggs. This can be boiled or baked in a variety of dishes from pasta bakes, lasagnes to bolognaises. It comes in […]


Super Noodles

Noodles – available as egg noodles or rice noodles, they are a great accompaniment to a protein dish. So what’s the difference? Egg noodles are best for soup style dishes because they absorb liquid to […]


Energy Boosters

Starchy foods, such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes fill up little tums and give them all the energy they need to run around, think and exercise. Add to these carbohydrates, some protein, fibre and […]


Not boring sandwiches

Sandwiches don’t have to be boring – experiment with different types of bread. Use burger buns, baguettes, sesame buns,  or  other seeded varieties, bagels, even crossaints to turn a plain boring sandwich into a nutritional […]


Power salads

Salads don’t have to just contain cucumber, tomato and lettuce. Pack them with energy by adding in  carbohydrates and proteins. Add cooked pasta, cooked rice, cous cous, bulger wheat with a good helping of your […]


Make your own pizza

Most kids love pizza and what better way to get the energy giving carbohydrates, protein from the meat and veg, not forgetting all the vitamins. By letting kids create their own pizza, you not only […]


Ravenous for rice

While rice is a very versatile carbohydrate and can handle strong flavours, children in general tend to prefer the plain white variety.  It is not the easiest of foods to cook either, as too much […]


Potty for potatoes

The humble spud in its dreary brown skin, covering its plain white flesh doesn’t look like it can be used for much, but is surprisingly one of the most versatile foods in the carbs family. […]