Choosing a Business Name

The business name holds a lot of weight particularly when it comes to small-businesses ensuring their success. Having the right name can make your company the centre of everybody’s attention, for all the right reasons. But, having the wrong name could heavily detriment your prospects, due to the confusion and disinterest of your potential customers. When brainstorming an idea for your business name, you need to ensure that you express the field you’re in, as well as the service you provide.

In other words, you can create an abstract name which means nothing to anyone until the name is known or choose one that your customers know the purpose of straight away. The name you choose will be effective provided you have an appropriate and robust marketing strategy to support it.

There are certain rules and regulations to abide by when choosing your business name, so pay close attention to these. For example, the name you choose must be unique and not used already by someone else in the childcare industry. You should want a unique name for yourself anyway, in order to stand out and be memorable. The government will not allow you to register a name which is similar to that of another registered company’s name anyway and if you do choose a similar name to someone else’s company and they complain, you may be required to change your name, which could be quite a costly exercise and really not worth the hassle. So check that no-one else is using your business name first by checking to see if it has been registered as a trademark.

Visit which explains the process.

But remember, whatever your business name, Ofsted will register you in your own name NOT the name of your business.

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