You will need to give a great deal of thought to the equipment and supplies you buy for your new business. This will greatly depend on three factors:

  • The number of children you care for
  • The ages of the children you care for
  • And your budget

The number of children you care for will greatly affect the quantity of the supplies you purchase, for example buying plates and beakers for 12 children will not be necessary if you are only going to care for 3 children. The age of the children will determine specifically the type of things you purchase too. For example if you plan to care for over 3s, you will not need stair gates, high chair and baby toys, but if you care for under 3s then you probably will. Also, your budget will play a big part in deciding what is absolutely necessary and what you can buy as you go along.

For this reason, a single list ‘fits all’ will not work and you will need to pick and choose what is right for your situation.

Below we have complied the categories of equipment and supplies to consider and you should use these categories to compile a wish list and essentials list that suits you and your budget.

Your essentials list will contain the things you know you have to get from the start, and your wish list, will be things you get as you go along.

So besides the annual supply of headache tablets, (only kidding – just a little), baby wipes and tissues, you should also consider: