How much do nurseries make?

Although this answer is highly subjective and very much dependent on: how many children are allowed to be admitted; as well as how much you charge; which part of the country your business is located and how many hours it is open for, as a ballpark figure, nurseries can earn between £17,000 to £60,000+ per month.

Although, this may look very lucrative, the nature of the business means 75% of the fees are often swallowed up by the cost of wages and running costs, such as food, nappies, replacing equipment etc.

As it is difficult to increase fees without upsetting parents and ultimately losing them, often the only way to grow your business is through expansion.

The nature of the business is such that anything above breakeven is considered a success.

Also, if you had high start up costs, then it could be many years before you are able to reap back what you originally put in.

For this reason, most people do not start up a nursery to make a tidy profit. Their love of working with children and running a business they can be passionate about, are often greater lures into the industry.

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