How to get an Outstanding Grade at your setting from Ofsted

Getting the coverted outstanding status at a setting is what most childminders and nurseries aim for. While it is difficult, it is not impossible.

Inspectors visit settings routinely and from their observations identify key factors that set outstanding childcare providers apart from the rest of their counterparts.

Here are some of the common features found in outstanding childminding settings that they look for:

  • The environment in which children are being cared for: Clean, safe, well presented and happy environments come naturally enveloped in positive energy, which can be felt as soon as you walk in through the door. It is hard for inspectors to ignore positive vibes being generated by all those at a setting who are genuinely happy to be there.
  • Childminders genuinely exude a warmth and passion for their profession, as well as those in their care: They are open, friendly and easy to talk to. Traits which the children in their care will also benefit from and thrive on.
  • They are professional: Common courtesy, being polite and generally setting a good example in front of children go a long way, especially it the same traits can be replicated under pressure in stressful situations such as an Ofsted inspection.
  • They are happy and well Although no one can help being unwell, finding a childminder who is happy and well means that they are coping well with the natural stresses of the job and are able to stay on top of it.
  • They are well trained Childminders who are experienced in looking after children, have undertaken courses to keep their knowledge up to date in order to help them assess children’s progress and manage their businesses, this shows a commitment to the children and want to provide the best possible service but also their desire to run their business well.
  • You are well organized: Organization can be seen through a variety of means. The planning of activities for each child, how all the information for each child is collated and presented, as well as how everything in your setting is presented too. Spaces designated to reading and writing such as a reading corner, writing corner dressing up box – all sign posted, show that you have an organized environment to guide children’s exploration and need to learn independently also. Ensuring you have a well-structured means of communicating with parents, planned menus if you provide food and also set routines demonstrate organizational skills too.
  • Safeguarding and welfare of the children in your care are paramount: This is taken very seriously and demonstrated clearly through risk assessments, daily routines and planned activities.
  • You have a support structure to lean on: Although this does not have to be physically seen, being able to demonstrate that you have family support or other childminders in the area to rely on etc. indicates that you will still be able to provide an adequate service even when things do not go to plan. Well organized childminders have a good support structure to help them ride through the rough patches and have attempted to cater for every eventuality.
  • Your business is growing or doing well: Being able to show a waiting list, a visitor’s log of people who have made enquiries, thank you cards and messages of appreciation, all demonstrate that your business is doing well.
  • Your mindees are developing well and progressing: This can be demonstrated from your assessment and tracking data, which should be evidenced with photos and notes regarding development.
  • You have good relations with parents: A good partnership with parents is essential to the secure development of a child in your care. If this can be demonstrated via, examples of regular messages sent and received, parent’s comments and so on, then this can only add to a childminders credibility.
  • You are in control of your business A well-organized business, with the appropriate consent forms and policies and procedures in place to cater for unexpected issues such as accidents, incidents and the unforeseen all indicate that you are in control of your business and are prepared if something goes wrong. Childminders need to have strategies in place to deal with safeguarding issues, know how to deal with related problems and be able to explain how they would deal with issues if they arose.
  • You have a good work life balance: Running your business from home can take a toll on family life and cause all sorts of disruptions. To ensure your business does not adversely affect your family life, steps need to be taken. If you and your family are happy, then you will be able to deliver a quality service. For example if you have children of your own who you care for too, how do you deal with your children not wanting to share their toys with the other children in your care and so on. What strategies do you have in place to separate work from home when your work is at home etc.

Although long this list is by no means comprehensive, but provides a good base to work from if you are starting out or wanting to improve your status to Outstanding.

While some of the things on the list cannot be helped using external support, for example, your personality or character, most other things can be supported, for example the amount of paperwork you do and how well you manage the day to day running of your business. To learn more about how you can save time carrying out assessments, risk assessments and general business admin. Read the related article: How Early Tracker can help you towards an outstanding grade at your setting.

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