Jelly and Ice-cream

Serves 8  Cooking and prep time: 1hr


Packet of strawberry jelly – set in ice-cube tray to make cubes of jelly

Vanilla ice-cream

Strawberry sauce

Fromage frais

Handful fresh strawberries

Mint leaves (optional)

Unsalted pistachio nuts



  1. Put two tbp of fromage fraid into a bottom of a clear glass dish
  2. Chop up strawberries and mix with ice-cream and a sqirt of strawberry sauce.
  3. Add two tablespoons on top of fromage frais to create aother layer.
  4. Add a layer of plain vanilla ice-cream
  5. Top with strawberry jelly cubes and more fromage frais.
  6. Garnish with some unsalted pistachio nuts and a mint leaf

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