Knowledge Development

In order to develop knowledge children have to see things that catch their interest. This will make them question and think about what they see and with support develop their understanding.

Their inquisitivity and enquiring mind shows scientific thinking and helps children discover facts, find answers and learn new things.

What may seem ordinary to you is all new and exciting to them so make the most of this inquisitivity to develop their knowledge.

Here are some ideas to support this development:

  • Attract children’s attention to things you see on trips outside
  • Read books, go to the library and share knowledge
  • Give them access to small world toys like farm set, small versions of kitchen utensils, gardening, post office etc. so that they can role play real life
  • Watch educational videos together
  • Have trips to the zoo, museums, bus station, train station etc.
  • Give them access to electronic toys which they can operate

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