Language Development (over 3 years old)

Over the age of two, toddlers are able to express themselves using a few words quite clearly, to express their wants and needs and to interact with others.

They need a lot of interaction to learn new words and to see how to move their tongue, lips, teeth and jaw to produce speech sounds and say words. This is called expressive language.

Being older they are better able to understand what is being said to them and also able to act on it too.

As they develop further they are able to use language to:

  • Identify objects
  • Describe actions
  • Put words together in sentences,
  • Use grammar correctly ‘I drank it’ not ‘I drinked it’
  • Retell a story,
  • Answer questions

They also start to use words, gestures, facial expressions, imitation, turn-taking, eye-contact and writing to carry meaning and messages to others

The more adults speak to children and interact with them, the more they will learn.

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