Learning to Balance

Balance is essential to our physical abilities and well-being. If we are able to balance on our feet, we are able to walk and run safely. We are less likely to fall over and more importantly, we are able to act and react at speed and with precision.

Babies and toddlers need to spend a lot of time learning to balance their bodies so that they are able to co-ordinate themselves as well as move around easily.

However, as children get older their need for balance and precision increases.

Help to improve your child’s balance using the following ways:

1. Teach them to balance on one foot and then the other

2. Teach them to walk along a straight line, one foot in front of the other.
3. To walk in a straight line with their eyes shut
4. Walk along a narrow beam holding someone’s hand and then alone
5. Teach them to ride a bike

Good balance, also ensures that both sides of the brain develops healthily. So practise balancing exercises regularly to ensure healthy growth.

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