Whether you have an indoor or outdoor cat, you will still need a litter tray. And this means, you need one that isas good for you to clean, as it is for your cat to use. There is nothing worse than having a litter tray that neither you nor your cat wants to go near.

Rather than having an unslightly open top litter tray, that can be hazardous to young children, choose a covered one. But as covered trays have a tendency to get neglected (because they are covered), choose one with an opening to the front, so that you can look in easily.

As there is nothing worse than fighting to open a litter tray that needs to be cleaned, ensure that the lid and flap can also be removed easily for cleaning too.

Once you have chosen your litter tray, you need to think about the litter to use also.

While the gravel type litter is often cheaper, it is also very dusty and could cause both your cat and people in your household asthmatic problems as dust flies everywhere. It also leads to mess outside of the tray, as your cat dragsthe dusty litter out on their paws and trails in across the floor.

Wood litter, on the other hand is biodegradable. It only turns to dust when wet and the smells are absorbed by the litter, hence being less offensive. The wet dust which does not fly everywhere, is dragged out of the tray when most of it is wet, giving you an indication a cleaning is required, although the tray should be clean every day or every couple of days.

Unlike the gravel type litter, the dry wood pieces can also be removed from the used litter by sieving through the litter scoop, so there is much less waste.

Producing less odour and less dust, wood chips are an affordable alternative to your cat and your family.

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