Progress Check at age 2

When a child is between 2 and 3 years old, practitioners need to review the child’s progress and write a short summary of their developments. This will focus on the prime areas, such as Personal, Social, and Emotional Development; Physical development and Communication and Language of the EYFS.

This progress check should highlight the child’s strengths and weaknesses in the developmental areas, indicating whether they are exceeding in, working well in or not performing as expected in.

These areas of concern may indicate the need for intervention and additional support from other external professionals such as speech therapists etc.

This developmental summary must be shared and discussed with parents/carers to determine how best to support the child’s development collectively.

As with other summative assessments this is legally required and must be done. This document must be signed and kept in the child’s file.

Things to include in the summary:

  • A positive description of the child
  • Observations and assessments carried out by you
  • Focus should be on the PSED, PD and CL, but also include activities they enjoy and you have included in observations such as using playdough, building blocks outings they have enjoyed, books, songs, rhymes, stories, spotting shapes, numbers, letters etc.
  • Parent input and comments
  • Examples of artwork, mark marking or photos
  • Next steps you are working on
  • Any worries you have about their development or progress, which parents may already be aware of but need to be recorded.

This check should coincide with a child’s 2 year health visitor check, so if there are issues raised then these can be discussed with the health visitor too for further support.

This must also be kept as an official document for the purpose of Ofsted and in some cases, some councils expect this document to be kept as a future record even after a child leaves.

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