Sensory Development

Developing your Child’s Sense – Sensory Processing

Developing your child’s senses is very important as it is the simplest way to develop their brain, especially in the early days as it has to process all the information it receives from the senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling and organising and processing it.

Babies are able to see, hear and feel using their bodies, but are unable to organise these senses well initially and need time and experiences to gain this knowledge. This means babies are not able to judge distances or feel the shape of one object compared to another, but as they sense new things, these experiences are stored and organised in their brain helping them to develop meaning.

Here are some ideas below:

  • Let them feel different textured materials against their skin: cotton wool, a soft blanket, a silk scarf.
  • Let them taste different foods, even if it’s a wipe on their tongue.
  • Let them listen to different types of music: classical, nursery rhymes, pop music etc.

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