Stuffed Baguettes

Serves 2-4   Cooking and prep time: 30 minutes


12″ long baguette

Shredded lettuce

Grated carrot

Cucumber slices

and other salad of choice


Boiled shreded chicken / tuna / boiled egg / grated cheese etc.



  1. Cut the ends off the baguette so that they are flat at both ends.
  2.  Then cut the baguette into 2 halves down the middle.
  3. Using a thin knife hollow  out the centre to make a hole in the middle
  4. Then add your choice of filling into the centre.
  5. Eat it as it is or cut into slices using a sharp knife, careful not to squeeze all the filling out.
  6. The removed baguette can be used for other things like bread crumbs, croutons etc.


Alternatively, cut out the middle to make a boat – you can use a fully cooked baguette for a cold  filling, but if you would like to have a warm filling, use a part-cooked baguette, which can be filled and cooked in the oven for a further 20 minutes.


Shredded chicken, sweetcorn and cheese

Chicken, tikka, mushroom and cheese and other pizza toppings.

Serve with a crunchy salad.




Top Tip:

Spread garlic butter on the pieces that you removed from the inside of the baguette and heat in the oven for 5-10 minutes to make crispy garlic croutons to serve with your salad.

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