The Aquarius Caregiver – (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Liberal, easy-going and fun, what more could a child ask for? The tolerant Aquarian carer knows instinctively how to bring the best out of children. Natural teachers, with the right blend of support and care they are able to encourage children to achieve their very best. No bully tactics or manipulation is needed. They naturally make children feel loved and special and for this children unreservedly trust their judgement.

Aquarians skilfully guide children through the obstacles of life without conflict or drama, allowing children to develop in their own time at their own speed. They are not overly-emotional, and provide children with a calm environment to grow and develop in.

Up to date with the latest trends and even what maybe happening in the future, Aquarians entertain and stay in touch with the pulse of life. They know about the latest children’s crazes and can empathise with the pressures these bring.

Excited by life and travel Aquarians want to share their experiences with children, which makes them even more interesting for children to spend time with.

Friendly, approachable and sentimental, the Aquarian caregiver is easy to talk to and confide in.

They don’t pry or snoop into other’s privacy and respect their space and as such expect others to respect theirs too. They are able to set boundaries, so that children know where they stand, even if sometimes it is at a distance.

They will instil in children their humanitarian views, of the need to help and care for others, and also promote a social conscience.

They love parties and celebrations of all descriptions, which they will expect all to participate in.

However, they have a tendency to be a litle spontaneous which can send some into a tailspin so need to give everyone enough prior warning, before springing on them their next greatest idea.

They also appear to have mood changes, which can lead to insecurity and confusion, as Aquarians like to keep their feelings well-guarded, in an attempt to maintain equilibrium and prevent overwhelm.

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