The Aries Caregiver – (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Aries caregivers are in charge! And everyone around them knows it. A steely glare or a disapproving look is enough to get any misbehaving child back on the right track quickly.

Aries are adults and expect children to know it. There is no risk of blurring the lines here. Adults and children are different and Arians expect children to respect that distinction from the start.

There is no confusion or mixed signals. Children know where they stand at all times. When they are happy, children know their Arian caregiver is happy, when they are angry, they know that too without a word being uttered.

Arians do not feel the pangs of guilt other caregivers feel when dealing with children, because they follow procedures the way they should be followed. And they expect children to do the same. If children reap the consequences of not following the rules, then this is nothing to feel guilty about.

Rules are rules! And Aries expect them to be followed by everyone, including themselves. In fact, they will execute the rules to perfection, just to prove their point.

While they have great qualities, their unnerving temper and occasional outburst will need to be kept in check to avoid turning children in their care, (even adults) into quivering wrecks.

Make no mistake they are highly competitive and will expect to be the best. They also want to be seen as providing the best service in their area.

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