The Cancer Child (June 21-July 22)

Cancerian kids are the dreamers of dreams who live in a beautiful world created by their rich imagination.

The most sensitive sign of the zodiac they appear distant from this world as they spend most of the time in their own world. The family unit is their security blanket, so they do not make friends easily. They are also very wary of strangers.

Not overly social, they are content with a good book or movie over the company of others. When he or she is with a group, don’t expect a leader. Initiative isn’t Cancer’s forte unless it’s something they come up with on their own, or unless another one of their signs balance this out.

They love playing with dolls, stuffed toys and pets too, that they can take care of.

The Cancerian child is really difficult to read, because they feel things deeply, but then do not know what to do with those emotions. As a result, they are often shy and cautious, keeping their sensitive feelings to themselves. They need privacy and complete confidentiality to share their inner most thoughts.

These children aren’t yellers, but are very frank when they have something to say andthey deliver it with a cool calmness.

However, they are also very changeable, and what applies one day may not apply the next.

They have a tendency to comfort eat, and need a quiet retreat to escaspe to from the stresses of their life. They need time to themselves often and should not be pushed to play with other children, if they don’t want to.

They also enjoy dressing up in nice clothes and have an artistic nature. They will love arts and crafts and anything associated with design.

They form close bonds with adults they can trust, because of their need for being comforted and security, as children in general can be thoughtless which affects them deeply.

They need someone to ease their wounds and likewise they are equally nurturing and caring.

If there is discord in their family, they can develop a bossy, nippy  streak and take on a ‘maternal’ role, however, they will not be able to deal with the pressure and become resentful in later years.

As these kids are water babies governed by the moon, you can expect a lot of tears. Sometimes, these are genuine, sometimes they’re for leverage, so the knack is knowing which is which.

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