The Capricorn Caregiver – (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Capricorn carers are traditionalists with values which have been passed down through the generations, such as respecting their elders and learning right from wrong. Therefore, they are able to set rules and say ‘no’ whenever it is necessary, insisting children follow routines. They are not afraid of hard work and will do all that is necessary to provide the best for those in their care.

However, while on balance this is great, sometimes it is overkill. Children are very impulsive, free spirits, and need a little fun and adventure now and again. Following rules and just working for the sake of working does not lead to a balanced and healthy life.

To deal with children, Capricorns need to relax more and enjoy the fruits of their labour, and not always obsess over everything and be so worrisome.

They can be a bit of a snob, as they attempt to maintain their authority and climb the social ladder. They can also be highly competitive as they attempt to keep up with the Joneses or even try to outdo them.

As their high expectations can be a little unrealistic or difficult to achieve, Capricorn needs to lighten up and not get so hung up on the insignificant stuff.

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