The Capricorn Child (Dec 22-Jan 19)

These kids come into this world with much older minds than bodies.

These old souls are also grounded and in tune with nature. They are the immovable, unflappable foundation of the family unit. These perfectionists want to make you proud, so will not need much disciplining.

These kids will always strive to do their best, and be hard on themselves for any perceived shortcomings. Their need for perfection runs deep in their spirit and these goaties know they were born to reach the mountaintop or die trying.

They take failure badly, so do not need to be reprimanded as they beat themselves up enough. It’s better to remind them that practice and effort eventually leads to the success they crave.

They like to do things themselves, but if they get stuck they’ll come back wanting advice without prodding.

These children love schedules and consistency. They don’t like changing schools or moving and adore tradition. Attending an old private school steeped in history would be ideal for them.

They keep childhood friends for life and any disharmony or struggles in early childhood can result in them becoming loners.Teach them to be accepting of all types of people, as they have a natural leaning towards snobbery.

They love to play outside alone or with others in the company of friends. They are likely to be the leader and well liked.

They need to be connected to nature to be happy and relaxed.

These children are ambitious, but love being in the family unit. They love music and also develop a strong work ethic as they grow. They are so diligent  with an ambitious streak, these workaholics may need to be reminded to play now and again.

They are very logical and business like in their dealings and demonstrate a great deal of wisdom. Add this to their wit and imagination, and you have a very delightful child on your hands.

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