The Gemini Caregiver – (May 21-June 20)

Light hearted and fun, the Gemini caregiver knows the latest trends and exactly what’s going on in kid’s lives.

Full of fun ideas, they are as youthful as the kids themselves and act more like their friend than an authoritarian figure.

Being natural teachers, they are ready to answer any ‘why?’ questions in detail and if they don’t know the answers, they’ll make it their quest to find out.

Therefore, education is very important to them and they are a font of childhood knowledge. But learning has to be fun too.

Despite being caring personality and let’s not forget ‘cool’, routine brings them down. They are restless personalities, who need to stay active with minds that are racing.

Although they love the fun side of caring for children, the daily grind of monotonous responsibilities is not for them. Geminis also have trouble sticking to routines and decisions, so change their minds often. They also contradict themselves regularly, which can cause chaos and inconsistencies.

Because of their indecision, and constant change of mood and mind, children often challenge their authority in the hope that Geminis will change their minds in their favour.

As Geminis treat children as their friends, and cannot keep their personal troubles and struggles to themselves, they can burden children with their worries and woes. This can result in the children around them growing up too fast and becoming stressed with problems that do not concern them.

Geminis also get involved in children’s politics and playground gossip, which they should really deal with from an adult perspective, rather than a child’s perspective, which can raise eyebrows.

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