The importance of tracking a child’s development

Children develop at a phenomenal rate between the ages of 0 and 6. It is therefore important that childcare professionals take note of these developments, to ensure children in their care are progressing within the expected timeframes. This is to avoid interventions or difficulties in later life.

As development in the Early Years follows a sequence, with one skill needing to be mastered before another and children developing at different rates (some taking longer to master a skill than others and others jumping from one skill to another, altering the speed and sequence of their development), professionals need to monitor and log these variations to see more clearly where their children’s strengths and weaknesses lie. In doing so, plan suitable activities to support future growth.

While some childcare professionals may know their children well, through careful observation, assessment and communication between parents and caregivers, for the purpose of meeting Governmental guidelines – they still need to produce clear documentation of progress, making Early Years Tracking vital.

This also creates a record of how provisions support the children’s development and learning effectively.

How Early Tracker can help with Tracking Children’s Developments

For an efficient way of tracking children’s progress, professionals should consider an electronic tracking system.

The Early Tracker tracking system allows you to input all your observations and assessments and then automatically carries out your tracking for you.

This means you save time filling in the tracking sheet and this frees up your time to spend on the children in your care.

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