The Leo Caregiver – (July 23-Aug 22)

Warm, loving, yet strict and demanding. Leos are showy and affectionate, yet in charge.

Children will love being in their company, as they are full of energy and fun to be around. They keep children occupied with an endless supply of activities and amaze them all with their knowledge.

Although generous and caring, they are also demanding and determined to get the best out of children, which can leave children exhausted (not always a bad thing).

Leos strive to be the best and that means expecting children in their care to be the best too. The more clubs and extracurricular activities children can take part in, the greater their chances of entering competitions and filling their setting with winners.

Leos love to talk about, even brag about their achievements, so the more achievements children in their care can achieve, the more glory they will have to bask in. But they should be careful, not to rely too heavily on children’s achievements to promote their business, as focusing only on the winners can result in the spoiling of a few, at the cost of the many. Their quest for achievements can also result in them having favourites which is not good practice.

Leos are also highly emotional and this needs to be kept in check, as children learn by example. Therefore, Leos regular outbursts are likely to make children overly emotional too.

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