The Leo Child (July 23-Aug 22)

The Leo child will want to be the head of his or her pride and expect others to naturally submit.

They are very affectionate and care greatly for those who are close to them and are confident beyond their years.

They hate to let others down and feel bad if they’ve failed someone close somehow.

They respond extremely well to praise and positive attention, resulting in happiness and unending energy, which can be put to good use by taking them on trips or your travels to cater for their thirst for adventure.

They will always be the one guiding others, be it in a game  or on the playground. This can cause conflicts with others who also want to lead.

Teach them to play nicely and share. These children will do well to have a pet, that they can nurture and care for, which will return their affection too.

Naturally they have a hard time accepting ‘authority’, which often lead to the Leo child pouting for a long time. In which case they just need time to work through their feelings.

While they learn easily, it has to be fun. Dull repetition will not appeal to them. They need hands on activities to keep them engaged, this can sometimes cause problems in school.

However, encouraging them to do better than their peers will  ignite their competitive streak and get them to work harder. But do not pressurise them to work hard, as this is already hardwired in.

Its a struggle to get them to bed as they’re afraid of missing on on something fun or important.

So routines need to be set from early on to avoid power stuggles when they grow older.

More than other children, they need bedtime routines as this will help them unwind, as they have very high energy levels, making it harder for them to calm down.

When it comes to sharing in chores remember that these children will want to do important tasks, not menial tasks. Therefore, give them things to do that are important that you are entrusting them to do (not someone else). Once you appeal to the Leo ego, all  should run smoothly. If something should go wrong, like them bragging about how important their task is, correct them privately, so as to protect that big Lion’s pride.

Finally, Leos take fibs and lies very badly. If they cannot trust the adults around them who can they trust? Once you break a lion’s trust then prepare for the cold shoulder until they are ready to forgive you, but its unlikely that it’ll be forgetten.

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