The Libra Caregiver – (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Carers they maybe, but slaves they are not. Librans may love their job of caring for children, but they balance this with caring about themselves too. After all how are they going to provide a great service if they don’t take care of themselves?

If a child is hurt, upset or angry, Libra will rip open the band aid and treat the child to an ice-cream too,  to lighten the mood. But when the day is over, they’ll expect to be treated as well for the hard work they’ve done that day.

They love to have fun, so are fun to be around and children will follow them to the ends of the earth because they are so full of exciting games and ideas.

However, being the children’s friend, brings with it drawbacks. What do you do when the children misbehave? Or fight with each other. How do you discipline your ‘friend’? The serious stuff is therefore hard for them to balance, as they often blur the lines, then try to avoid the situation altogether.

Alternatively, they swing like a pendulum from one extreme to another, either being a complete pushover, or being overly strict to compensate. This leads to inconsistencies which children love to play on,  confusion and chaos.

This situation is further exasperated by Libra’s laissez faire approach to life, where they simply want life to take its course. With bedtimes and meal times occuring when children are tired or hungry, rather than at set times.

If they are growing vegetables then this approach would be fine, but when caring for children, in particular young ones, routines and boundaries need to be adhered to, to ensure children grow happily, healthily, feeling secure and grounded.

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