The Libra Child (Sep 23-Oct 22)

These kids are cute and cuddly and everyone will be attracted to them. Caring for a Libran child will not be overly complicated. These children are balanced on the whole and tidy to an extent and if brought up in a happy environment become very stable adults.

They love beautiful things and need clean, tidy and asthetically pleasing surroundings to feel happy.

They need to be warned about stranger danger, as they are the type to talk to anyone to get attention.

These kids need a lot of affection and maybe demanding siblings.

These children also have the ability to see the big picture and the small detail all at the same time, hence can suss people out for what they are.

They have large circles of friends and are very popular, although they  only keep a few close. This is because they have a generous nature and willing to share with everyone readily. They also love sports,  as they are sociable, especially one-to-one sports, as they prefer to play with a partner.

If they do not have access to many friends, their rich imaginations will create make-believe friends instead.

They prefer one-to-one interaction, rather than talking in groups, this includes adults. Therefore they will be close to their parents too.

Being the sign of the scales they like to weigh things up and balance things out. They also like to get lots of perspectives on a situation.

When things get out of balance they prefer to build bridges, rather than take sides.

They are born negotiators finely tuned to right and wrong and set the rules for everyone to follow.

Their peacemaling nature can however lead to power struggles. Adults will get quicker results if they reason with a Libran child,  than simply raise their voice. Simplt because, if the situation becomes too negative the Libran will simply walk away, until the situation calms down.

Negative situations can also lead them to telling lies and cheating in order to avoid situations which greatly disturb them.

They find family break ups and divorce very hard and need to be constantly shown affection to be reassured that all is well. They love family gatherings and parties. They also love to entertain and be on  stage, dressing up in costumes etc.

These kids are easy to treat, but they should not be spoiled with constant rewards, as this will store up problems for the future. It is better to give them one-to-one time, which they really thrive on.

If they are shown love and given regular attention, they will share this will siblings and others around them easily.

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