The Pisces Caregiver – (Feb 19-March 20)

Pisces are the ultimate caregiver and will shower children with affection, instilling in them an infallible sense of self-worth.

They will want children to experience different cultures and be open-minded and accepting. Therefore, trips out to experience new things will be the norm.

Being an ultra-sensitive sign, Piceans are prone to manipulation and guilt tripping children into what they want, if this does not work then passive aggressiveness will be their next tact, which children will eventually see through.

However, being highly emotional, they will need to watch what they say in front of children, as they can be tactless and sometimes a little too personal for little ears.

Pisces also need to watch how they express their feelings in front of children, as little ears should not become their therapists. This can lead to children thinking of the world as a bad place and that people should not be trusted or alternatively feeling like they need to care for the Piscean, rather than the other way round.

Pisceans also need to control their tongues when they become upset, as some things should not be said in front of children, especially personal criticisms which can be damaging to a child’s emotional development.

Some Pisceans also have a tendency to wear some outrageous attire in an attempt to be fashionable, which could lead children to make fun of them or simply want them to keep a distance from sheer embarrassment.

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