The Pisces Child (Feb 19-March 20)

Fragile and sensitive  these kids are empathetic, compassionate and have natural psychic abilities.

As the spritual world has no suffering, you will find that the Piscean children will prefer to spend most of their dreamy time there than in reality.

These children apologise about everything, even things they haven’t done wrong, as everything affects them deeply, especially others in pain, who they will often tend to before themselves.

If they do something wrong, they will put themselves on time out or try to fix the situation in order to regain your approval.

They can be loners, but this is self-imposed when they need to recover from an emotional overload.

They struggle with self-worth, so need to be supported when they feel down. Sometimes letting them hide in a corner till they feel safe and stronger could be all they need.

They have a tendency to have imaginary friends, but because of their naturally psychic abilities, these friends may not be so imaginary.

Because of their vivid imagination it can be difficult to know what part of their conversation is real and which is imagined. However, this ability serves them well, as they lean towards the arts, be it writing, design, acting and so on. Many artists, engineers and photographers were born under ths sign.

Get this child a toy working camera, to develop this outlet, as well engaged in water activities such as swimming, skating and even ballet.

They love to cook too, so get them involved to satisfy their senses.

These children need sensitive nurturing to feel loved and you need to help them create boundaries, especially, as people may want to use their kindness selfishly. They can be very trusting of people and need to be warned about ‘stranger danger’ without scaring them, as they also have a tendency to scare very easily.

If they experience disharmony and discord in childhood, they may become bossy and bullying. Alternatively, they can be taken advantage of. If they grow up feeling concerned about a parent, they can over time, take on the role of parenting their parent and becoming loners or mother hens.

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