The Sagittarius Caregiver – (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Spontaneous and on the go, Saggies are a child’s best friend. They dream up imaginative activities and expose children to a wide variety of experiences, taking them along wherever they can, to broaden children’s minds.

They treat children like mini-adults and respect their views and opinions. No childish tales of the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy will leave their lips. Instead, they teach children to deal with the big issues and become broad-minded, to respect others views and opinions too.

While they are interesting and exciting and full of beans, which will appeal to older children, Saggies need to rein in their free spirit and consider younger children’s needs of routine and predictability and not do everything spontaneously or on a whim, which is their character thrives on.

Also, being a child’s friend is one thing, but children need stability and routine, which goes against Saggies’ grain.

Saggies also need to curb their naturally blunt, even coarse language when in the the presence of impressionable children, as this could set a poor example. They also need to dress appropriately, when dealing with prospective parents to ensure concerns are not raised.

Dealing with active boisterous kids who are full of adventure comes easily to Saggies, but caring for infants who require monotonous, mind numbing routines, are akin to torture for them.

They also have no wish to control children, who will be encouraged to think for themselves and become individuals in their own right – and the sooner this happens the better – Although expecting this from a toddler may be pushing the boundaries of reasonable somewhat.

Saggies will also use their wisdom to guide children through the conflicts of life by providing them with life skills to deal with the real world.

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