The Sagittarius Child (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Being adventurers of the Universe, these Saggies want to explore.

These social characters crave attention and will be crushed if their talents go unnoticed or are not applauded.

Their delicate hearts mean they struggle to see others in pain and simply cannot walk passed someone in distress. Independent, yet sociable they love the company of their peers. However, they will withdraw if they feel smothered or claustrophobic.

Always looking on the sunny side of life, they are naturally popular and make friends easily from all walks of life. Their optimism of ‘it’ll be alright’ often leads them to take risks they really shouldn’t take.

They love learning and will learn to talk quickly with an impressive vocabulary.

As they like to play outside and roll around, dress them in practical hard wearing clothing that are easy to wash. They love pets and animals and will hate to be confined by rules.

They lose interest in things very quickly, as they have a short attention span. Being independent souls they need their space and freedom. They won’t believe everything they hear and don’t take to being lied to well. Especially as they are naturally truthful, even if you don’t want to hear it.  They will only follow their own destiny.

They are not a ‘say as I do’ child, and will expect you to lead them by example, demanding and insisting they do as you say, simply will not work. Even though they themselves will demand more and not want to follow strict guidelines. They will also try to trick adults into getting their way.

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