The Scorpio Child (Oct 23-Nov 21)

These kids are seriuosly complicated. One minute they’re sulky and moody and the next their wrapping you around their little fingers with their beaming smiles.

Being the psychics of the zodiac, they know how to read people accurately and get their way.

As they are extremely sensitive, and  may appear outwardly introvert keeping company with only one or two friends – but often prefering their own company.

There is no denying they are little geniuses, but have a greedy, spiteful side. They are highly competitive and especially talented in arts or music. Introducing them to either of these early will not only keep them occupied for hours, but they may even become good enough to enter competitions.

They love dressing up and looking their best.

Being naturally intuitive, emotions run very deep and their reactions can be rather alarming, creating chaos wherever they may be.

As they often suffer from the green-eyed monster , they will cause a drama to get attention if they feel they are not getting the attention they deserve or have to share with others.

Their possesiveness needs to be curbed, as well as their obsessions with things that are familiar.

Upset Scorpio children also have a tendency to want revenge and will not tolerate lies. So consistency is all important when dealing with them from an early age.

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