The Virgo Caregiver – (Aug 23-Sep 23)

What doesn’t Virgo know about child development? They’ve read all the books, watched all the videos until they are walking encyclopaedias on the subject. What they don’t know isn’t worth knowing.

Caring for children is serious business and their perfectionist traits lead them to find out all they can so that they can do the job justice.

But this information will not remain in their head’s forever and never used, on the contrary it will be utilised and put to full use.

From organic, home-made, additive-free meals to plotting and checking all their children’s developments religiously on a chart, they will have full control of the reins.

While this is great, it can lead to over the top neurosis, which can also pass on to the kids making them neurotic too.

Children are not perfect and neither do they have to be, so their quest for perfection will lead to more disappointment than success.

In order to make themselves feel better, they are also likely to engage in gossip, which could damage their setting’s reputation. Critising others and their child rearing skills is not very professional. It’s much better to put all that expansive knowledge they’ve gained to noble use and share it with others to elevate their profile and in turn benefit more children. This way their high standards will speak for themselves.

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